国外《口袋妖怪·魂银》给力改版整合汉化版 简介 + 下载

2011-01-03 14:57:28

Hello, everybody, it's me, Bizzle-Da bandit.

Alright enough with the small talk, time to get straight to the point. Today we're here to discuss the release of my first version of HGSS mod...Just read what the logo says

Da Rom's Intel
Game which was used to edited: Pokémon SoulSilver (U)
Language: Only current one right now is English
Available Versions: Version 1 & 2
When the Version Stops: Actually you can play the mod full through.
Mod's Current Progress: I'll say at least 97-99 percent of everything have been edited...with the exception of rematches (trainers) and surfing/fishing in caves areas. and morning encounters. You'll find out more by reading below!
Mod's Patching File: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?lo8lqyj2i6nsldv[/url] and here's second link [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7Z6E4O3F[/url] (Pokemon Neo SoulSilver Version 2)
Mod's Previous Files: [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W03ADAON[/url] and the second link [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?y0j6fjtu440uk56[/url] (Pokemon Neo SoulSilver Version 1)

A Few words: Now just so you know, the patch file is Gui type and you're gonna have to patch the Ruldolph Patch first, before ACTUALLY patching the game. That's the only you can play this without any crashes.

For all of those who want to play with the National Dex at the beginning of the game; I'll suggest downloading PokeGen and activating your Pokedex through your save file. It works, I test it.

Now, to tell you all what's features included in this mod...For all those who are curious.

First, I suppose I should explain what difference I did from the original game. First of all, I've add slightly new dialogue, basically only menu stuff and things the Poke Mart Clerks and Nurse Joy says. I've also changed some of thing said during Pokemon Battle; if you saw my vid, you've already seen some of the stuff I did.

I also changed some of the HGSS Pokemon sprite. Mostly, I just switched their stationary sprite with their moving sprite, but they're still good nonetheless. I've also customized a few Hoenn Sprites (Spoink, Taillow, Numel, etc. There's just few in screenies down below), I think I did a good on them...If I say so myself, but I suppose it's up to you all to judge me.

Now, for the changes I did to the Pokemon. In this mod, you'll noticed that the Pokemon's stats has been slightly alter. Here, I give all a couple of example: Mareep base speed now 60, but once it evolves into Ampharos, it speed will drop below 60, but its Sp.Defense and Sp. Attack will soar.

Some Pokemon will have Special Abilities that they wouldn't usually have. Example: Phanpy with Huge Power, Chingling with Magic Guard and Spearow with Anger Point or Gible with Inner Focus.

Some Pokemon will learn different attacks that don't usually learn on the real game. Like, Flaaffy with Swift, or like Mawile, who levels up learning all three elemental Fangs. There's a few more, like Wartortle, who learns Ice Fang when first evolving and Kirla who learns Psybeam when first evolving.

Some Pokemon learn, I would say, a whole new moveset pool. Here's a few: Delibird, who NOW actually worth training, on an account it learns some pretty decent attacks...And it's Special stat isn't all that bad, if you get my drift. Tyrouge, now his own set of attacks (Even though, it's still weak as hell), and it even evolves a new way, but we'll get into that later...Volbeat, Milotic.

I've even made my own new attack...even though it's just a replacement of an old attack (Razor Wind to be exact) I renamed the attack Malestrom; it's a Flying Type attack that take two turns (hence Razor Wind) deals 100 damage and has high ratio for 'CRITICAL HIT'! I'll just tell you one of the Pokemon that actually learns Malestrom-Xatu...But remember its not the only one that does.

Here's a couple of things that were added in Pokemon Neo SoulSilver Version 2

Some Pokemon attack moves strength have been increase to match the move strength off Pokemon Black & White. Example: On the HGSS Petal Dance usually takes 90 damage, but on Black & White its takes 120 damage...So, that's how much it takes on this mod. Except Tackle, it still takes 35.

Also, I increased attacks that I thought was just too weak; Mega Drain now take 55 and Absorb now takes 40. Leech Life takes 30, Poison Sting, as well. Now, when getting hit by Hyper Voice, there's a chance your Sp. Defense might fall and Vicegrip; when getting hit by that, there's a chance your defense might fall. Needle Arm takes 80 and Poison Tail take 75. Attacks like Lock-On and Mind Reader are repectively Steel and Psychic Type moves. Spike Cannon is now a Steel Type attack. I think there's more, but I can't remember.

Also, I edited a few in-game dialogue, mostly the junk at the beginning and Silver's first battle. I say the new dialogue goes until you reach Violet City and I think Silver's dialogue in Bellsprout Tower is different, as well.

Also, in this version (v2) I added a couple of Black and White sprites. Mainly Hoenn Region Sprites, with a few customized sprite; such as my Lombre sprite, you just go to check it out, it's awesome. I also got some up-to-date screenies, but I think I'll wait before posting them up in this thread.

Also, Gym Leader, Elite Four and Lance, all of their rematches has been edited and should be able to put up a decent fight against your Pokemon. I also finished editing Bell Tower and Mt. Silver...I dare ya to go inside Mt. Silver the Pokemon levels in there, deep in, is insanely high...I'm talking Lv 80+

I'll upload updated Pic of version 2 later...Right now...I just don't feel like it. ;P

Now for wild Pokemon differences

Well, obviously all Pokemon are available, even the non-regional starter Pokemon! All the Water-Type Pokemon that appear in the sea and during fishing (Good Rod, only) are all available. (Johto Only)

Unfortunately, I didn't edited the Water-Types that dwell inside cave area, there's just a hand-full currently, and NO I'm not going to disclose which caves you can find'em!

Every Pokemon that appears in grassy area have been completely edited in the wild, it goes without saying that this rule applies to both Kanto and Johto Region! Except for Route 48, everytime I'll pull it up on PPRE nothing would ever be displayed there.

Every cave area have been edited in the Johto Region, with the exception of Bell Tower, I was gonna wait until the 2nd Version to finally edited. Bell has now been successfully edited.

I'll say about 90 percent of the Kanto Region cave area have be edited, the only place that I didn't edited was Mt. Silver (Outside and Inside) That cave's really is really a pain in the ass, when editing it. It's just so painstakingly long, so many floor in that dungeon. Mt. Silver has now been successfully edited

Here's a little info, if you want to find Heart Scales, catch wild Eevee. They live around route 36 (day, only), don't forget to collect them. There's a whole lot of Pokemon that have Heart Scales moves on this mod; Mamoswine, Arbok, all the starters except for Meganuim, and all the Eevee evolution stages.

Another mentioning I forgot was, I didn't edited the wild pokemon that appear in the morning; well, I gonna say up to route 36. Pokemon that appears during day and night has been completely.

Now moving on to Battle situations:Johto Gym Leader Walkthrough/Kanto Gym Leader Walkthrough

I've edited majority of all the trainer's battle on this mod; Gym Leaders Elite Four, and Champ-Lance (Who's, harder than holy hell now, trust me) Field-Trainers, Rival (Silver) It goes without saying that I've includes both Kanto and Johto Regions. (Wait, I just said it, didn't I)

I would say the only thing I didn't edited was gym leaders, elite four, and trainer who call you back for rematches (I'll say I only edited some of them, not all) I've also didn't get around in changing all the trainers that appear on the boat; I've only edited for the first time you arrival to Kanto.

In this mod, all the trainers, gym leaders (Kanto and Johto) Elite Four Members and Lance in this game AI value have been increased...From weakest, like when you're first leaving home, to crazily, super computer smart. Basically what I'm saying is every trainer in Kanto Region is like this. (Except for the Team Rocket grunt you fight in the kanto region, he's dumb...Team Rocket, period, is just straight up dumb)

Now for a small and short Gym Leader Walkthrough (Second Update)

If you don't want to see what I've got here, you don't have to worry about...That's why we the spoiler button for. Check it out


Pokemon Neo SoulSilver
Johto Gym Leader's Synopsis
Kanto Gym Leader's Synopsis
Johto Pokemon League's Synopsis

Violet City's Gym Leader

Lv 12: HootHoot Lv 12: Wingull Lv 14: Staraiva

I've already heard a few complaints about why I took Pidgeotto from Falkner. Well, that because I wanted him with something that could actually put up a fight against the starter...and let's face it...Pidegotto is weaker than Staravia. But no worries, he'll be getting Pidegot in the rematches...once I've edited them.

Azalea Town's Gym Leader


Lv 19: Yanma Lv 17: Surskit Lv 21: Mothim

I know, I know! I took away his signature Pokemon. If make you feel better, he gets Scizor in his rematch (Which I haven't edited yet)

Goldenrod City's Gym Leader

Lv 22: Buneary Lv 25: Miltank Lv 23: Aipom

Yay, this time I kept the signature Pokemon. It's like that from here on out! And Miltank's still a nightmare.

Ercuteak City's Gym Leader


Lv 31: Haunter Lv 32: Misdreavus Lv 33: Drifblim Lv 34: Gengar

One of the hardest battles I had during the beta testing! All of his Pokemon, nightmares.

Cianwood City's Gym Leader


Lv 37: Farfetch'D (Part Fighting) Lv 40: Poliwrath Lv 38: Pinsir (Also part fighting) Lv 39: Hariyama

Strangely enough, Hariyama wass his hardest Pokemon to take down. The rest? Wimps!

Mohogany Town's Gym Leader


Lv 42: Glaile Lv 41: Dewgong Lv 43: Lapras Lv 44: Mamoswine

Mamoswine is almost like his signature Pokemon...It evolves from Piloswine.

Olivine City's Gym Leader


Lv 43: Magneton Lv 42: Mawile Lv 44: Steelix Lv 45: Bronzong

Eh, not might be here strongest Pokemon, but she still has it, right?

Blackthorn City's Gym Leader


Lv 50: Dragonair Lv 51: Milotic Lv 52: Flygon Lv 52: Altaria Lv 53: Kingdra

Hey, no comment on this. It's Perfect.

Okay everybody, keep in mind that way I have the Gym Leaders ordered are the way I recommend you face them in, otherwise, you will be gettin' yer ass handed to. Also, each Kanto Gym Leader have six, uh, Pokemon, with attacks that covers their weakness.

Also, every Kanto Gym Leader is on a higher than the Elite Four, this including Lance, Pokemon. Which I haven't posted yet.

Vermilion City's Gym Leader

Lt. Surge

Lv: 65 Raichu Lv 63: Electrode Lv 66: Magenzone Lv 64: Manectric Lv 62: Electabuzz Lv 65: Ampharos

Not bad, right? Remember what I said earlier, fight them in this order. I only said fight him first, cuz he's the first gym you'll see once gettin' off the boat, plus he's not all that hard to beat. He's actually the 2nd weakest Kanto Gym Leader, you'll see the first as we carry on...

Fuchsia City's Gym Leader


Lv: 61 Gligar Lv: 63: Weezing Lv 64: Crobat Lv 65: Roserade Lv 64: Venomoth Lv 62: Swalot

Hmmm...Gligar isn't really a poison type on this game, but it can learn Poison Fang on this hack, and even a couple more Poison-Type attack. Mostly, the really why I gave it to her was Gligar's body sorta remind of those hang glinder things ninjas use to fly on.

Cerulean City's Gym Leader


Lv 68: Azumarill Lv 67: Corsola Lv 69: Relicanth Lv 69: Starmie Lv 68: Mantine Lv 70: Vaporeon

Well, there's Misty team...Yeah, I know it's weird I gave her a Relicanth, but I wanted to give her a water-type with a lot of attack-power that isn't swampert or feraligatr...or Floatzel!

Pewter City's Gym Leader


Lv 69: Armaldo Lv69: Cradily Lv 70: Omastar Lv 71: Aerodactyl Lv 70: Kabutops Lv 68: Sudowoodo

Well, Brock's team consist of nothing, but fossil Pokemon, with the exception of Sudowoodo...I would of gave him Rampardos and Bastiodon, but you can only carry six on you.

Celadon City's Gym Leader


Lv 72: Jumpluff Lv 71: Cherrim Lv 72: Tangrowth Lv 74: Bellossom Lv 73: Leafeon Lv 71: Sunflora

Eh, I really can't think of anything to say about this team, it's just a team of cute Grass-Type Pokemon; see, that her gimmick here.

Saffron City's Gym Leader


Lv 75: Claydol Lv 76: Metagross Lv 76: Alakazam Lv 77: Gallade Lv 76: Espeon Lv 76: Porygon-Z (Part Psychic-Type)

Now, this is a VERY hard battle, as Alakazam will use Barrier and Calm Mind combat and then blast you with Psychic...She DOES THIS EVERYTIME! I lost to her about 5 times...my Pokemon were around level 65 or so when I first came, but I did eventually defeated her...without training; just had do a new stragedy involving my Furret's Yawn!

Seaform Cavern's Gym Leader


Lv 77: Magmar Lv 80: Flareon Lv 79: Rapidash Lv 81: Magmortar Lv 79: Ninetails Lv 78: Magcargo

This wasn't a hard battle, just don't let Magmar get Sunny Day off at the beginning. One reason, because it's holding Heat Rock, which make Sunny Day stay out for a long while and two, because every Pokemon on his team has Solarbeam...except for Magmortar, how has something WAY more horrible and I'm not talking Thunderbolt either, also, it's holding Expert Belt.

Viridian City's Gym Leader


Lv 82: Pidgeot Lv 82: Arcanine Lv 83: Rhyperior Lv 85: Blastoise Lv 83: Umbreon Lv 84: Electivire

Obviously, this team is based of the anime. Arcanine, Blastoise, Electivire and Umbreon from the anime! Rhyperior from the manga (Based off what I know from) and I guess, Pidegot, cuz I like Pidegot! I have to admit, he isn't very hard...not in the least bit. His goons on the other hand are on different level (Lower than him, but you get me) they're harder, I don't know why, but they are.

Now, finally moving on to the Elite Four and Champion portion of this walkthrough. Today, I'll be revealing their Pokemon and what exact item their Pokemon hold, you know...to give you that slight edge.

Keep in mind, every member of the Elite Four has the traditional of 5 Pokemon on their team, with the exception of Lance. All their Pokemon have attacks they can use to protect them from Pokemon strong against them. Okay, enough with talking, how about move on to the first member, Will, and see what Pokemon he uses.

Elite Four Match 1: User of Psychic Types


Lv 53: Xatu (Wacan Berry) Lv 54: Lunatone (Wise Glasses) Lv 54: Solrock (Muscle Band) Lv 55: Gardevoir (Expert Belt) Lv 56: Slowking (Leftovers)

Not bad, right? Lunatone and Solrock both hold attack-boost items in which most their offensive stat excels in. Hmm...that's pretty all that I can think of to say. Oh, you know how Will's character is that of a magician, well Gardevoir serves as his beautiful assistance...that why I gave him one..get it...well, moving on...

Elite Four Match 2: User of Poison Types


Lv 55: Tentacruel (Leftovers) Lv 57: Toxicroak (Payapa Berry) Lv 56: Seviper (Scope Lens) Lv 57: Muk (Black Sludge) Lv 58: Venusaur (Lum Berry)

A quite diverse team, if I say so myself...Though, I'm still not really sure why I gave him a Tentacruel...I know it's part Poison Type...But doesn't really feel like a Poison Type and it certainly doesn't feel very ninjay...To be honest neither does Muk, but actually feel like a Poison Type...Whatever, moving on.

Elite Four Match 3: User of Fighting Types


Lv 57: Hitmontop (Muscle Band) Lv 57: Floatzel (Focus Sash) Lv 57: Breloom (Coba Berry) Lv 59: Machamp (Leftovers) Lv 60: Lucario (Focus Sash)

Yeah, I know what you're saying 'Why the hell is Floatzel there?' Well, first of all, on this mod, when Buizel evolves into Floatzel it become part Fighting Type; Just so you know, Buizel is still pure Water-Type. Floatzel always felt like a Fighting Type to me...And I'm not saying that cuz it can learn attacks such as: Bulk Up, Focus Blast, Focus Punch, and Brick Break. Nope, that's not the reason at all...Honest. As for his team...Well, Machamp still has No Guard...Apparently...

Elite Four Match 4: User of Dark Types


Lv 60: Huntail (Quick Claw) Lv 61: Umbreon (Leftovers) Lv 62: Houndoom (Power Herb) Lv 61: Honchkrow (Razor Claw) Lv 60: Skuntank (Wise Glasses)

Yeah, yeah...The reason Huntail's there is because it part Dark-Type on here. Interestingly enough, her hardest Pokemon isn't really Houndoom, it's actually Skuntank. You see, her Skuntank has the ability to use Nasty Plot and trust me when I say she uses it to her advantage. While holding Wise Glasses and using Nasty Plot once, she can usually knock out your Pokemon with one attack; well, that what she did to me why I was testing the game out. Now moving on to the champion on the game.

Johto League Champion: User of Dragon 'Like' Pokemon


Lv 61: Gyarados (Wacan Berry)
Lv 62: Aggron (Focus Sash)
Lv 62: Tyranitar (Chople Berry)
Lv 63: Salamence (Yache Berry)
Lv 63: Charizard (Petaya Berry)
Lv 64: Dragonite (Enigma Berry)

I found this team to be very hard...seriously. it took some serious strategizing to beat this team. First of all, Gyarados pretty much kills your electric type, cuz it survives an electric type attack from a electric type pokemon and then turns around a kills it with earthquake. Aggron and Tyranitar are pretty much easy, but Charizard and Salamence's just straight up hard. Charizard has an attack that can get rid of Tyranitar's Sand Stream and Salamence just straight [censored] you with Outrage and NEVER hits itself with confusion...Eh, Dragonite's just in between, it's neither hard or easy...it's just...there.

Important Words

Everytime you encountered a Gym Leader on this mod; or for that matter, any important battles, their Pokemon AI will have been increased. Like for example: when facing Falkner his highest Leveled Pokemon; which already know is Staravia, AI has been cranked to around 150. Or like when facing, Team Rocket Admin: Archer, his strongest Pokemon, Aggron, AI would had been increased to around 250 or such.

Also, I tried integrating some WIFI like items, such as stragedy items (not Battle Scarfs...I don't think the computer's AI smart enough to use them correctly, I've got to look into them) in important battles; ya know against Team Rocket admin or fights against Gym Leaders.

Also, when fighting gym leaders, member of the elite four and even team rocket admins, some of there Pokemon sometime uses Type-weakening berries, with the exception Falkner, his Pokemon only hold Oran Berries and Sitrus Berry.

Gym Leader, Elite Four and Champion rematches has completely edited and should be on this version.

This concludes my complete Johto League battle walkthrough...

I decided to put Silver's battle walkthrough on a seperate section then the Gym Leader section. Okay, please jot down...Oh, my bad you're gonna have to click the spoiler button to acess the walkthrough.


Rival Battle Walkthrough

Battle 1
Lv 6: Chikorita

Battle 2
Lv 16: Buizel
Lv 17: Murkrow
Lv 19: Bayleef

Battle 3
Lv 25: Gible
Lv 27: Floatzel
Lv 26: Murkrow
Lv 28: Bayleef

Battle 4
Lv 41: Murkrow
Lv 43: Gabite
Lv 43: Floatzel
Lv 42: Sneasel
Lv 44: Meganium

Battle 5
Lv 53: Manectric
Lv 54: Honchkrow
Lv 54: Garchomp
Lv 53: Floatzel
Lv 53: Weavile
Lv 55: Meganium

Battle 6
Lv 67: Manectric
Lv 68: Honchkrow
Lv 69: Garchomp
Lv 68: Floatzel
Lv 69: Weavile
Lv 70: Meganium

Battle 7
Lv 86: Manectric
Lv 87: Honchkrow
Lv 86: Floatzel
Lv 87: Garchomp
Lv 87: Weavile
Lv 88: Meganium

Battle 1
Lv 6: Cyndaquil

Battle 2
Lv 16: Shinx
Lv 17: Murkrow
Lv 19: Quilava

Battle 3
Lv 25: Stunky
Lv 27: Luxio
Lv 26: Murkrow
Lv 28: Quilava

Battle 4
Lv 41: Murkrow
Lv 43: Skuntank
Lv 43: Luxray
Lv 42: Sneasel
Lv 44: Typhlosion

Battle 5
Lv 53: Ursaring
Lv 54: Skuntank
Lv 53: Luxray
Lv 53: Weavile
Lv 54: Honchkrow
Lv 55: Typhlosion

Battle 6
Lv 67: Ursaring
Lv 69: Honchkrow
Lv 68: Luxray
Lv 69: Weavile
Lv 68: Skuntank
Lv 70: Typhlosion

Battle 7
Lv 86: Ursaring
Lv 87: Honchkrow
Lv 86: Luxray
Lv 87: Skuntank
Lv 87: Weavile
Lv 88: Typhlosion

Battle 1
Lv 6: Totodile

Battle 2
Lv 16: Houndour
Lv 17: Murkrow
Lv 19: Croconaw

Battle 3
Lv 25: Shuppet
Lv 27: Houndoom
Lv 26: Murkrow
Lv 28: Croconaw

Battle 4
Lv 41: Murkrow
Lv 43: Banette
Lv 43: Houndoom
Lv 42: Sneasel
Lv 44: Feraligatr

Battle 5
Lv 53: Marowak
Lv 54: Honchkrow
Lv 53: Banette
Lv 54: Houndoom
Lv 53: Weavile
Lv 55: Feraligatr

Battle 6
Lv 67: Marowak
Lv 68: Honchkrow
Lv 69: Houndoom
Lv 68: Banette
Lv 69: Weavile
Lv 70: Feraligatr

Battle 7
Lv 86: Marowak
Lv 87: Honchkrow
Lv 87: Weavile
Lv 87: Houndoom
Lv 86: Banette
Lv 88: Feraligatr

Closing words

As you already know; by the reading the walkthrough above, Silver will always have Murkrow and Sneasel, no matter what starter you chooses at the beginning. Also, everytime you engage in battle with silver his computer AI will be higher than any other computer control trainer (regular trainer's AI have been increased as well)...With the exception of gym leaders of course; Gym Leaders' AI will always remain higher than Silver's

Things you should probably know

By the time you make it to battle number 5, all the Pokemon on his team should be holding wifi like items: like Expert Belt or Focus Sash.

Battle 6; ya know, the battle that take place inside Mt. Moon, your Pokemon level should be at least around Lv 64 or Lv 63 that what level I was on when I fought him. Hmm...See how much he gotten stronger? Basically every trainer in the Kanto Region Pokemon's level around is like this.

And Finally, Battle Number 7. As you already know, this is the last time he gets stronger...It takes place by entrance point of the PKMN LEAGUE! By this time, all of Silver's Pokemon AI is maxed out and should prove to be a worthy opponent.

Here's the Pokemon Evolution summary. Once again, if don't want to see it, don't click the spoiler button.


Pokemon Neo SoulSilver
Da Evolution Solution

I've added a few more evolution I got to mention on my first post. I also added this screenshot...for fun. Check'em out!

Poilwhirl-Water Stone- Poilwrath
Poilwhirl- Happiness Night- Poiltoed

Kadabra- Happiness Day- Alakazam

Machoke- Happiness- Machamp

Graveler- Happiness day- Golem

Slowpoke- Level 30- Slowbro
Slowpoke- Zen Headbutt- Slowking

Magenton -Thunderstone- Magenzone

Haunter -Happiness Night- Gengar

Onix -Level 36- Steelix

Rhydon- Happiness Day- Rhyperior

Seadra- Twister- Kingdra

Electabuzz- Thunderstone Electivire

Magmar- Firestone- Magmortar

Scyther- Level 37- Scizor

Eevee- Holding Miracle Seed- Leafeon
Eevee- Holding Nevermeltice (Wild Ice-Type Hold them) - Glaceon
Eevee- Moon Stone- Umbreon
Eevee- Sun Stone- Espeon
The rest are same

Tyrogue- Black Belt (Day)- Hitmonchan
Tyrogue- Black Belt (Night) Hitmonlee
Tyrogue- Dawn Stone (Wild Pokemon have them)- Hitmontop

Hoppip- Lv 18- Skipoom-Lv 35- Jumpluff

Porygon- Level 38- Porygon 2- Dawn Stone (Wild Pokemon Hold them)- Porygon-Z

Kirla (M) -Level 30- Gallade
Kirla (F)- Level 30 Gardevoir

Trapinch- Level 28- Vibrava- Level 40- Flygon

Nosepass- Shiny Stone- Probopass

Feebas- Dawn Stone- Milotic

Dusclops- Dusk Stone- Dusknoir

Clamperl- Sun Stone- Gorebyss
Clamperl- Moon Stone- Huntail

Budew- Lv 15- Roselia

Buneary- Lv 30- Lopunny

Chingling- Moon Stone- Chimecho

Munchlax- Lv 30- Snorlax

Riolu- Lv 30- Lucario

I'm really reconsider changing some of the evolution, mostly the one's that evo with friendship evolution. I think I made too many of them evolved that way.

And now to end this wonderful post and a couple screenies...once again, it's spoilers.


此改版“Pokémon Neo SoulSilver” 由国外玩家 Twanny Bizzle-The Bandit 基于《口袋妖怪·魂银》制作,不同于一般的493版。

修改了部分精灵的姿态,有一些换成了黑白版的图片,看上去更帅一些- -
※ 原英文版还修改了很多文字信息,增加了趣味性,并用不同颜色区分战斗时的“效果拔群”“效果不佳”之类,但是跟汉化版整合后这些特色无法保留了。


(其实主要就是看中了汉化版可以开高速化老金,美版不行- -)
想玩美版改版的,直接到原发布帖下补丁即可;想玩日版改版的,请自行整合- -

在等黑白的汉化 或者 想体验比较彻底的改版HGSS 的同学,推荐玩玩这个改版,比以往的493版给力些。


2011-01-03 15:08:23


2011-01-03 15:15:40


2011-01-03 15:18:11


2011-01-03 15:27:01


2011-01-03 15:31:03


2011-01-03 17:57:46


2011-01-03 18:40:15


2011-01-03 19:04:42


2011-01-08 05:27:29


2011-01-09 19:57:44


2011-01-15 10:25:56


2011-01-20 14:04:34


2011-01-26 17:58:42


2011-02-07 17:02:01

“很抱歉,文件不存在”——杯具了 。。。

2011-02-07 18:44:38


2011-02-13 12:33:48


2011-02-16 10:06:31

只要没有比较重大的问题 可以考虑玩一下

2011-02-16 21:06:56

thx so much~~~~

2011-02-17 17:42:26


2011-11-03 14:44:16

my god 都是E文 还是直接玩玩再说吧