2010-11-04 16:42:12
[i=s] 本帖最后由 cshfelix 于 2010-11-4 16:43 编辑 [/i]
[align=center]TN Hen will most likely be available for 6.31[/align]
Update, from Total_Noob’s blog: “I’ll release HEN for 6.20. When Sony releases a new firmware (but I don’t think so, because they don’t care about the PSP anymore), I’ll port it to 6.31 (idea by Flyer)”. (Thanks to Sakuryu for the tip). This more or less matches my suggestion so I’m happy with this idea. Thanks Total_Noob
Total_Noob contacted me yesterday to tell me he was going to port his Hen to Firmware 6.31 (you can see part of our discussion on his blog here).
Total_Noob has, on top of his kernel exploit, a VSH user mode exploit that he was planning to use for his Hen on 6.31. Basically, the scenario in this case would be that he focuses on a Hen for 6.31, and all users (including 6.20 users) would update to 6.31 and use the Hen on 6.31.
There are of course many good points in doing that: Total_Noob would only need to work on a Hen for 6.31 (less work for him), and everybody would get the exploit for free. In the other scenario (where Total_Noob does not disclose his VSH vulnerability), People on 6.20 would use the 6.20 version of TN Hen, and people on 6.30/6.31 would need to buy the Hot shots golf game in order to get the exploit. This also means more work for Total_Noob.
It seems total_Noob’s suggestion is the best for everyone… well, not for people who will upgrade to 6.32 (or whatever the name of the next firmware will be). These guys will be locked on a new firmware, knowing that 2 user mode vulnerabilities where used on 6.31, in order to please the 10 guys who upgraded from 6.20 to 6.30 because they said “f#ck homebrews” during the HBL 6.20 era (if you upgraded to 6.30 for a valid reason, feel free to comment, by the way)
My suggestion is the following:
Release TN Hen 6.20 for Patapon and TN Hen 6.31 for Hot shots golf.
Sony patches their firmware with 6.32
Release TN Hen 6.31 for the vsh vulnerability AND work on HBL 6.32 for the same vulnerability.
This way, People on 6.31 who don’t want to pay for HS Golf just have to wait for the release of 6.32. And people on 6.32 will most likely benefit from HBL soon after Total_Noob releases his User exploit. To me, this scenario is better than the one suggested by TN.
Of course, even that is a compromise IMO. If you ask me what my true feeling is, a good vsh vulnerability should wait a little longer, and be used in association with a kernel exploit if/when a new one is found, for future firmwares.
Reading at the comments on Total_Noob’s blog, I see how people can forget their own case very easily. You will see that most people on 6.31 think only about themselves, and ask him to release the vsh exploit, without thinking for one second that it could be used by the people, who, exactly like THEM, will upgrade to the next firmware. Aaah, human nature…
As I told Total_Noob, it’s his choice, and he shouldn’t care about other people’s opinion on the subject (including mine), except maybe other hackers he trusts. Most likely, the “normal” people will want anything that benefits them, I don’t expect many people to think about those who will upgrade to the next unpatched firmware.
What do you think?
Update: I don’t understand why people are so confused. I never said people would have to buy Hot shots golf. As a matter of fact, it’s exactly the opposite. Total_Noob is trying to find a solution that pleases a high number of people, and is looking for ways for people to avoid buying the game (hence the vsh exploit). My suggestion is to release the Hen for patapon AND for Hot shots golf, THEN to release it for the vsh vulnerability AFTER sony release a new firmware. People who are on 6.20 and think they are getting screwed should read more carefully. People on 6.20 are the only ones who have the guarantee they will get the Hen and won’t have to pay anything for it, whatever happens. The “money” issue is only for people on 6.30/6.31. Remember that I expect my readers to use their brains.
[align=center]TN HEN很有可能在6.31上也能运行[/align]
Total_Noob只需要开发6.31这一个HEN(对他而言工作量更小),然后每个人会免费得到那个漏洞。另一种剧本中(Total_Noob不泄露他的VSH漏洞),6.20的玩家会使用6.20版本的TN HEN,而6.30和6.31的玩家需要购买Hot shots这个高尔夫游戏来获得这个漏洞。这也意味着Total_Noob将要做更多的工作。
发布啪嗒碰上的6.20TN HEN和Hot shots高尔夫上的6.31TN HEN。
发布VSH漏洞上的6.31TN HEN,同时开发同样漏洞上的6.32HBL。
更新:我不明白为什么大家如此迷惑。我从没有说过大家需要去买Hot shots高尔夫这个游戏。事实上完全相反,Total_Noob正在努力找一个解决方法来使许多人满意,寻找一个方法让大家不用买这个游戏(因此有了VSH漏洞)。我的建议是公布啪嗒碰和Hot shots高尔夫上的HEN,在索尼发布新固件后公布vsh漏洞。6.20觉得被耍了的玩家应当读得更仔细点,无论发生什么,6.20玩家保证都能拿到HEN而且无需支付任何花费。需要花钱的程序发布只针对6.30和6.31玩家。记住我希望我的读者们好好用你们的大脑思考。
1.从wololo的建议可以看出,他不希望TN发现的vsh漏洞现在就公布,如果那样下一代固件会封堵这个漏洞,他建议在HBL上开发6.20TN HEN,在Hot Shots高尔夫上开发6.31HEN;而TN本来是想在VSH漏洞下做6.31HEN的,只做一个;现在TN一定程度上接受了这个建议,将会先发HBL基础上的6.20TN HEN,等下一代固件推出时,再发6.31HEN
2.目前6.31有两个用户模式漏洞,一个是Hot Shots高尔夫,一个是VSH漏洞,前一个已经公布,后一个是TN个人发现的,未公布;
2010-11-04 16:59:20
2010-11-04 17:05:10
2010-11-04 17:16:40
2010-11-04 20:16:37
2010-11-04 21:28:03
2010-11-04 23:22:04
鹰文这种鸟语真是看着蛋疼= =懂了。。。1000党路过