[2/12][模拟器on nds][java][Pstros NDS][版本v0.7.2 - R6 build]

2010-02-12 15:02:49

软件名:Pstros NDS
作 者:
用 途:java 模拟器
[quote]2008.07.06: version 0.7.2 - R6 build

New configuration options can be stored in the jad file (case senitive !)
Note: none of the parameters is manadatory. If you don't specify any of the
parameter then the default values are used.

NDS-resolution: WWWxHHH
- sets the dimensions of the screen to width WWW and height HHH.
Maximal resolution is 256x256. Example:
NDS-resolution: 176x208

NDS-screen-X: XXX
- sets the screen X position (negative values are valid). By default the X position
of the screen is set to center the image. Example:
NDS-screen-X: 0

NDS-screen-Y: YYY
- sets the screen Y position (negative values are valid). By default the Y position
of the screen is set to center the image. Example:
NDS-screen-Y: -12

NDS-key-[button]: [key]
- remaps the NDS button [button] to the phone key [key]
valid [button] values: A,B,X,Y,L,R,Start,Select,Left,Right,Up,Down
valid [key] values: keyNum0, keyNum1,..., keyNum9, keySoftLeft, keySoftRight,
keyFire, keyLeft, keyRight, keyUp, keyDown, keyStar, keyCross
NDS-key-A: keyNum5
this line will remap NDS button A to press of the nuber [5] on the phone

NDS-key-Start: keySoftLeft
this line will remap NDS button Start to press of the Left soft key of the phone

2008.06.24: version 0.7.1 - R5 build

- added HttpConnection class to satisfy dependencies of some applications
- implemented drawing of the ellipses (note: draw/fillArc is not fully functional yet)

2008.06.20: version 0.7.0 - R4 build

- Nokia UI api partially implemented: drawPixels and getPixels implemented for the 4444,444,8888 and 888 pixel formats with the full manipulation support (mirroring and rotation).
- bug fixes (JBenchamrkPro works now)

2008.05.31: version 0.6.0 - initial R3 build

- fixed the CLDC implementation (timer, memory size, system properties)
- added support for reading of the PNG images (code taken from the PhoneMe project)
- implemented native functions for rendering the basic graphics primitives on the screen (lines, rectangles, triangles, images)
- added support for accepting the JAD files in the application browser
- ported the core part of the Pstros MIDP library to use CLDC java machine instead of the fully featured j2se java machine.

[attach]2929[/attach][i=s] 本帖最后由 qxshark 于 2010-2-12 15:29 编辑 [/i]

2010-02-12 15:06:20


2010-02-13 10:40:37


2010-02-13 17:05:33


2010-02-13 23:57:51

DS上的完成度太低 果然还是